All entry and queries regarding entry must be addressed to the appropriate Competitor’s Secretary, as set out at the front of the syllabus. Please do not telephone them after 8pm.  If you need to telephone after that time, please leave a message and somebody will get back to you the following day.

Choirs and instrumentalists who require a ‘warm–up’ room should notify the appropriate Competitors’ Secretary, who will endeavour to obtain one, but this cannot be guaranteed.

1.    Entry costs.

Class entry fees are given on the “Entrance fees” page on the website. In addition,

1.1. Teachers with school choirs, and competitors’ own accompanists, will be admitted free to the classes.

1.2. Children and students are admitted free.

1.3. Parents, adult family members and chaperones must pay for admission. The cost of a day ticket in 2025 will be £3.00 each. This will enable the holder to access all the classes in all the venues on that day only.

These additional charges are to help us to cover our costs. We do not receive any direct funding. We rely on donations and the sale of tickets to fund the costs of running the Festival.

We pay for hire of the venues, the cost of the medals and certificates awarded, and we also pay the adjudicator and official accompanists for their services. All other work is carried out by unpaid volunteers.

2.    Safe Working and Performing Environment.

2.1. We abide by the Guidelines set by The British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech (“BIFF”), on creating safer festivals for everyone and child protection. The child protection policy can be accessed here. Copies of BIFF’s policies will be available at the Festival on the day.

2.2. The Festival Safeguarding Officer is the Chair, Elizabeth Haggis, who can be contacted on 07776 254013.

2.3. Recording of performances.

The use of any photographic, video or sound recording equipment during performances is strictly prohibited, as part of the child protection policy. This includes recording on mobile phones and dictaphones. This is to ensure that we comply with the child protection policy set by BIFF.

Completing the entry form will be taken to signify that adult competitors, parents/guardians and/or teachers (as appropriate)

·         have read these Rules, including the Child Protection Policy and agree to abide by the terms stated therein, and

·         will ensure that anybody accompanying them on the day has been informed of the “no-recording” policy.

3.    Entries

3.1.                Entries must be made via the official web site. The entry must be fully complete, and the correct entry fee paid, on or before Saturday 1 March 2025.

3.2.                No entry shall be valid unless accompanied by the entry fee paid on-line or, at the discretion of the appropriate Competitor’s Secretary, by cheque payable to ‘Buxton MSD Festival’.

3.3.                Late entries will be accepted, at the discretion of the appropriate Competitor’s Secretary, on payment of a 10% administrative charge, to be paid with the entry fee.

3.4.                Entries must specify the work to be performed. “TBA” etc, is not acceptable. If entries remain incomplete on the closing date given in Rule 3.1 above, the adjudicator will have the discretion either to not to hear the piece, or to hear it and award feedback but no competition marks or grades. The adjudicator’s decision will be final. Entry fees will not be refunded.

3.5.                NC Classes are NOT competitive; feedback will be given but no marks or grades will be awarded.

3.6.                The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.

3.7.                In all classes where an age limit is stipulated, each competitor must be within the age specified on the date when the relevant class takes place.

3.8.                No solo competitor shall be allowed to take part more than once in any one class.

3.9.                The Executive Committee may decide to run several classes together and the order of performances where several classes are run together.

3.10.             The Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel any class, if they deem insufficient entries have been received. Should this be the case, the appropriate entry fees will be refunded.

3.11.             Competitors who drop out before the performance or fail to turn up on the day, in time for their class, will not be entitled to a refund of their entry fee.

3.12.             Every effort will be made to timetable the classes so that competitors can move between venues, should they compete in more than one venue on the day. In the exceptional cases where this is not possible, competitors will be notified as far in advance as possible and the appropriate entry fees will be refunded.

3.13.             Whilst certificates will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and, in some classes, medals are awarded, the adjudicator does not need to award a place or medal if, in their opinion, the performances do not merit one. The adjudicator’s decision shall be final.

3.14.             The Executive Committee reserves the right to appoint additional or alternative adjudicators and accompanists in any class without prior notice.

4.    Recital Class 500

4.1.                There must be a minimum number of 3 entrants for the class to proceed.

4.2.                Each entrant will be required to sing or play a varied programme, not exceeding 15 minutes duration.

4.3.                These classes will be limited to 8 entrants. All performances will be adjudicated.

4.4.                The Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel any of these classes if insufficient entries are received. Should a class be cancelled, competitors will be notified as far in advance as possible and the appropriate entry fee will be refunded.

5.    Own choice music and speech.

5.1.                Entries will not be accepted without a declaration of the own choice piece, made on the entry form. Please see Rule 3.4 above for further details.

5.2.                Competitors must abide by their choice, as stated on the entry form. Should competitors present with a different piece to that on the entry form, the adjudicator will have the discretion either not to hear the piece, or to award feedback but no competition marks or grades. The adjudicator’s decision shall be final

5.3.                Competitors shall not use the same own choice piece in more than one class.

5.4.                If an official accompanist is required in a music class, one copy of the music must be received by the appropriate Competitor’s Secretary by the date stated in Rule 6.1 below.

5.5.                One original copy of each own-choice piece, whether music or speech, must be provided to the adjudicator on the day of the class.

5.6.                Own-choice pieces shall not exceed five minutes duration per piece, except where otherwise permitted for that class.

6.    Music for the Official Accompanist.

To assist our excellent accompanists in their preparation and in giving their best support to all performers, we ask you to co-operate with the following:

6.1.                The accompanist’s copy of your music must arrive as soon as possible or at the latest by Friday 14th March 2025. Please send your music to the appropriate Competitor’s Secretary, address at the front of the syllabus.

6.2.                If the music for your accompanist arrives after this date, it will be sent to the accompanist, but the accompanist may refuse to play for you. The accompanist’s decision on this matter will be final.

6.3.                Please do not send the music direct to the official accompanist. We schedule their availability based on the music that is sent to us. If we do not receive your music, we will assume that you will not require the official accompanist and you may find they are not available to play for you.

6.4.                You should send a photocopy, rather than the original, to ensure it is not lost in the post. In addition,

6.4.1.    please put the competitor’s name, and class number clearly on the front of the music, and title/composer, if it not immediately obvious (eg if you are performing the middle movement).

6.4.2.    the print must be clear and fully show both ends of the stave including all time signatures, key signatures etc.

6.4.3.    please ensure that the correct tempo is shown if it is not immediately obvious from the music,

6.4.4.    the pages must be taped together, using transparent adhesive tape, edge on, in page order. No staples, please. Use 3 pieces of tape on the back, at the top, middle and bottom (like hinges), rather than all the way down the back, which makes it unwieldy.

Music which does not comply with Rules 6.4.1 to 6.4.4 above will be returned to the sender or, if the sender cannot be identified, discarded.

7.    Electronic equipment, backing tracks and setting up.

7.1.                If you are bringing your own electronic equipment, and/or need time to set up your instruments/choir/ensemble, please let us know in advance, indicating how much time you need. This will enable us to factor your requirements into our programme schedule.

7.2.                Please let us know in advance if you plan to use a backing track. An additional fee may need to be levied to cover performer’s rights.

7.3.                Please note that, whilst our venues are equipped for public performances the sound systems available may not be up to the standard you require. If you require amplification, electronic leads etc, you should assume that it will be safer to bring your own. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet your requirements on the day.

7.4.                If you have any special needs, or are the parent, carer or teacher of a competitor with special needs, please let us know in advance, so we can factor this in and also let the adjudicator/accompanist know if appropriate. There is space on the entry form. If you need to give any further information, please contact the appropriate Competitor Secretary.

8.    Copyright, Photocopies & Downloading

8.1.                Music: Copies of own choice works for the adjudicator

8.1.1. Published music is subject to Copyright law.

8.1.2. In the Music Publishers Association Code Of Fair Practice Agreed Between Composers, Publishers And Users Of Printed Music, (revised edition April 2016),

Adjudicator or Examiner Copy: A person performing a work in front of an examiner or adjudicator may make one copy per examiner/adjudicator provided that the participant or candidate has already purchased his/her own copy and that the copy/copies made is/are retained and destroyed by the adjudicator(s) or examiner(s) immediately after the event. Each copy must be marked with the following: ‘Adjudicator/examiner copy. Destroy after use’.’

Competitors are advised that the above permission applies only to copyright holders who are members of The Music Publishers Association (the Code of Fair Practice leaflet is obtainable from the Association at 8th Floor, Two Pancras Square, London N1C 4AG) or online at:


8.2.                It is the competitor’s own responsibility to ensure that they seek permission to copy direct from any copyright holder whose name does not appear in the MPA list.

8.3.                Downloaded music may be used only in specified circumstances – most official sources will have a note that the use of music downloaded from their site is permitted. If such permission appears, the competitor should also print off and submit with their entry the permission statement that accompanies the music.

8.4.                All performers using music from shows in current production are subject to copyright law. Songs from shows in current production may be sung as a concert item, i.e. with no costume or movement, without need for copyright permission.

8.5.                Performers or teachers with queries on how to obtain copyright permission for performance items should contact Festivals House on:

01625 428297/611578, or info@federationoffestivals.org.uk before making their entries.